Payment Types
Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.

By using this online payment form, you are providing Huon Valley Council with one or more of the following:
  • * personal details (e.g. name, contact phone number, signature, pet's details)
  • * property details (e.g. property address, rates notice assessment number)
  • * financial details (e.g. credit card details)
  • Register
     Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
    This service accepts credit card payment only
     Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
    DogsPlease select this option to pay the renewal for your dog
    Application Receipt
    This service accepts credit card payment only
     Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
    ApplicationPlease select this option to pay for applications made to Council (e.g. subdivision applications, Adjustment of Boundary applications, etc.). You will need a payment reference number and your credit card details to proceed.
    Licencing Receipt
    This service accepts credit card payment only
     Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
    LicencePlease select this option to pay for a Licence (eg Business Licence, Sign)
    Infringement Receipt
    This service accepts credit card payment only
    NOTE: Infringements may not be available for payment online up to next business day from issue date.
     Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
    Dog Infringement 
    Traffic Infringement